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Below is a message from our School Principal, Simon Shepherd, sharing the results of our Class of 2023.

Westminster Class of 2023 SACE Results Overview 

It is our great pleasure to share with you an overview of the excellent results achieved by the Class of 2023 in the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). 
We proudly reached the end of 2023 with 100% completion rate and all students graduating with their SACE. 


Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

The median Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) for the Class of 2023 was 83.4, consistent with the recent trend of high results over the past 10 years. 
Of all our SACE (Stage 2) grades achieved in 2023, 44.3% were As and 41.3% were Bs. 
Of the 136 students eligible for an ATAR:
16.9% of students achieved an ATAR equal to or above 95
31.6% of students achieved an ATAR equal to or above 90
50.7% of students achieved an ATAR equal to or above 80.  


School Dux

I am delighted to announce that our Dux of Westminster School for 2023 is Veda Muthineni, pictured below, who achieved the highest ATAR of 99.85. This year, Veda received SACE Merits in Biology, Mathematical Methods and Research Project B.

Proxime Accessits

Our Proxime Accessits are Charlotte McKenzie and Srujan Saxena with outstanding ATARs of 99.35 and 99.15 respectively. Charlotte received a Merit in Dance and Srujan received two Merits in Chemistry and Physics. 
We congratulate every student in the cohort for their commitment and effort, and acknowledge the following students who join Veda, Charlotte and Srujan to form our list of Top 10 ATARs:


Emma Deering - 98.7
Maci Wilsdon - 98.65
Tom Bratkovic - 98.3
Hannah McInnes - 98.3
Tara Guppy - 98.1 
Grace Martin - 97.9
Stephanie D'Achille - 97.75
Isla Campbell - 97.70
Yuhi Cheng - 97.55
Michelle Liew - 97.55
Zara Segel - 97.15
Stella Byrne - 96.90
Emilia Parkinson-Need - 96.80
Yichen Xu - 96.80
Lilly Horton - 96.20
Cheuk Luo - 96.05
Katie Natt - 96.05
Shalin Bigwood - 95.90
Ginger Tomlinson - 95.85
Breeze Scardigno -95.25

Governor of South Australia Commendation Excellence Award

The prestigious Governor of South Australia Commendation Excellence Award recognises outstanding achievement in Year 12 SACE subjects and how students have used their personal qualities to make a difference in their local communities. We are honoured to have Emma Deering receive a Governor of South Australia Commendation Excellence Award.



In 2023, 25 students recorded 30 SACE Merits for subject scores in 16 different subject areas.
In 2023, Merits were recorded in the following subjects: 


Ancient Studies – 1 Merit
Biology – 2 Merits
Chemistry – 1 Merit
Chinese Background Speakers – 1 Merit
Chinese Continuers – 1 Merit
Creative Arts – 1 Merit
Dance – 2 Merits
General Mathematics – 5 Merits
Material Solutions – 1 Merit
Mathematical Methods – 1 Merit
Physics – 1 Merit
Psychology - 1 Merit
Research Project A – 2 Merits
Research Project B – 8 Merits
Visual Arts (Art) - 1 Merit
Workplace Practices - 1 Merit
No matter the area of learning, outstanding results come from meaningful student, teacher and parent collaboration. We thank our Director of Learning, Andrea Sherwood, Faculty leaders, teachers and support staff throughout the whole School, who uphold the exceptional education we offer students from Early Learning through to Year 12, in the classroom and online. We acknowledge Head of Senior School Andrew Whiteman, Head of Senior Students Amelisa Mislov, and Heads of House for their dedicated support and guidance of our Year 12 cohort. We are grateful for the support to all parents, caregivers and families during their sons’ and daughters’ years at Westminster.
We wish the Class of 2023 the very best for their future success and extend an open invitation for our Old Scholars to visit us at Westminster to share their life stories beyond school.
Warm regards
Simon Shepherd