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Notification of Absence

If your child is absent or arriving late to school, please leave a message on the Prep Absentee line (08276 0255) before 9.00 am. Alternatively, you can email the Prep School Office at

If your child is going to be absent for 10 or more continuous days of school, a written leave request must be submitted to the Head of Preparatory School, Simon McKenzie via

Signing In & Out

All students are expected to be at school by 8:30 am ready to begin the day at 8.45 am. If your child arrives to school after 8.45 am, they must be signed in using the iPad at the Prep School Office (Years 3-6) or the Junior Primary Dining Hall (Reception-Year 2). Classroom rolls are taken at 8.45 am, arrivals after this time are marked as absent until signed in by a parent or carer.

If your child needs to leave school early, they must be signed out at the Prep School Office. It is essential to notify the class teacher in advance if your child will be collected early from school. Please contact the Prep School Office on 8276 0219, to arrange a last-minute early collection.