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Frequently Asked Questions

When do I wear my School blazer?
How do I order lunch from the canteen?
When is the canteen open/how much can my child spend?
What if I forget to order lunch or my child leaves their lunch at home?
How do I get in touch with my child's teacher?
What time can I drop my child off in the morning?
What is the latest I can collect my child after school?
What do the acronyms about assessments in SEQTA mean?
What do I do if my child is sick?
How do I access wellbeing support for my child?
How do I access IT support?
What is your hot weather policy?
What is the nut policy?
How can I locate lost property?
Can my child use Senior School facilities such as the library?
Can my child visit the Dragon Café?
Do parents need to stay for co-curricular activities?
How do I get a bus pass? Where can I find more information about bus services?
Student Swipe On/Off Cards
How can my child give out birthday party invites?
Are dogs allowed on Campus?
Can children play on the Junior Primary playground after school?

When do I wear my School blazer?

School blazers are to be worn to and from School every day when wearing the winter uniform. When wearing summer uniform, blazers are required on days when students attend Chapel or Assembly or as directed on special occasions. Students are not required to wear blazers if the forecasted temperature is 30 degrees or more. The School blazer is considered the outer garment for the School uniform. The School jumper is not an outer garment for the School uniform or for any co-curricular uniform that may be worn to and from School.

For further information on School uniform guideline please see here.

How do I order lunch from the canteen?

Ensure you have downloaded the QKR app and set up with your details. Search for Westminster and register your child against their class in student profiles. You will then be able to select from the menu. Please note the deadline for same day orders is 9.30am, no orders can be accepted or changed after this time.

Please note at the start of each school year you will need to update your child’s profile in the QKR app

After eating time, the canteen is open for students to purchase a small snack. Children may bring up to $4 each per day for snacks. Please put any money in a labelled Ziplock bag or purse. The School does not take any responsibility for lost cash.

When is the canteen open/how much can my child spend?

The canteen is open every day at lunch, after eating time, for students to purchase a small snack. Children may bring up to $4 each per day for snacks. Please put any money in a labelled Ziplock bag or purse. The School does not take any responsibility for lost cash.

What if I forget to order lunch or my child leaves their lunch at home?

Don’t worry, we will not let a child go without lunch. The canteen has emergency lunches available each day. Children can go to the canteen and request an emergency lunch from staff. The staff will arrange payment with parents directly. If you have any concerns regarding lunch, please call the Prep School Office, T: 08 8276 0218.

How do I get in touch with my child's teacher?

Your child’s teacher can be contacted via email. All Westminster staff follow the same pattern for email ‘First initial Last name ‘ - John Smith would be

Due to teaching responsibilities, please allow up to 48 hours for a teacher to respond to an email. For anything urgent, please contact the Prep School Office, T: 08 8276 0218 who will take a message for your child or child’s teacher.

What time can I drop my child off in the morning?

Class starts at 8.45am when the class teacher takes the roll. Classrooms are open from 8.30am. Children are permitted to be unaccompanied on campus from 8.20am to make their way to the classroom. Any unaccompanied children on campus before 8.20am, must go to OSHC. The School cannot be responsible for children left unattended before 8.20am.

What is the latest I can collect my child after school?

Classes are dismissed at 3.30 pm. Children must be collected by 3.45 pm. If children are still unaccompanied on campus after 3.45 pm, they should go to OSHC. Any parents arriving late to collect their child, please inform the Prep School Office, T: 08 8276 0218.

What do the acronyms about assessments in SEQTA mean?

Acronyms are often used to outline student performance in SEQTA. Common acronyms include: 

  • AS - Above standard
  • @S - At standard
  • BS - Below standard
  • EBI – Even better if
  • WAS - Well above standard
  • WTS - Working toward standard
  • WWW – What worked well

What do I do if my child is sick?

If your child is absent or arriving late to school, please leave a message on the Prep Absentee line, T: 08 8276 0255 before 9.00 am. Alternatively, you can email the Prep School Office. 

If your child is going to be absent for 10 or more continuous days of school, a written leave request must be submitted to the Head of Preparatory School, Simon McKenzie via email. 

How do I access wellbeing support for my child?

If you feel you child needs wellbeing support, please speak with their teacher in the first instance who will be able to assist with recommendations and referrals if necessary. For further information on Wellbeing in the Prep School please see here.

How do I access IT support?

An IT staff member is available for student queries and support every day in the Haslam library, 9.30 am – 12.00 pm.

If you have specific queries regarding student laptops, please contact the IT Team via email. 

What is your hot weather policy?

Over 30 degrees students do not need to wear their blazers. When the temperature is over 36 degrees, the School has a stay inside policy. Recess and lunch will be inside if the temperature is over 36 degrees.

What is the nut policy?

The School has a Nut Aware Policy, meaning that while nuts are not banned, they are heavily discouraged. Should you have any questions regarding this please contact Nathan Hoskins, Head of Risk Safety & Compliance via email. 

How can I locate lost property?

The Prep School Office has a designated area for lost property. Parents are welcome to come and check this at any time during office hours (8.00 am - 4.00 pm). Audits are completed by staff throughout the term and all labelled items are returned to children. Non-labelled items remain in the lost property area for one term.

Can my child use Senior School facilities such as the library?

Prep School children are not permitted to enter the Senior School without permission eg a music lesson would qualify. This includes ‘before and after‘ school. Prep School students must not go to the Senior School library to wait for parents even if they are accompanied by a Senior School student.

Can my child visit the Dragon Café?

The Dragon Café is open from 7.30 am to around 5.00 pm Monday to Friday for parents/carers and staff. The café can be used by Prep students before and after school but only when supervised by an adult.

Do parents need to stay for co-curricular activities?

Parents do not need to stay for the co-curricular activities for which their child is registered. For example, Running Club and Swimming Club (subject to age) are two activities where you may drop your children off.

For Swimming Club, any children 9 years old and under must be supervised at all times within the Sports and Swimming Centre pool deck by a person 16 years or older. This includes any student who participates in the morning cocurricular swim club. Westminster students who go straight to WestSwim, who are aged 9 or under, must be accompanied by a person 16 years or older.

How do I get a bus pass? Where can I find more information about bus services?

Willunga Charter is the School bus service provider.

Routes for Westminster’s bus services (A to G) can be seen on the School’s website here. 

Parents and carers will need the Willunga Charter app (based on BusMinder). Select Westminster School here. 

Student Swipe On/Off Cards

Students in the Prep School will need a School bus swipe card, which they organise through the Prep School Office. Students can also tap on by finding their name (with help from the bus driver if needed) on the digital student list available in each bus.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us via email. 

How can my child give out birthday party invites?

Children’s birthday parties are a private matter and not associated with the school. We would be appreciative if you do not ask the teacher to hand out invites or ask your child to hand out invites during class time. Any invites are to be placed in children’s bags discreetly.

Are dogs allowed on Campus?

During school terms, from Monday to Friday between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, dogs are not permitted to be walked or run on school grounds due to the high volume of students, staff, and visitors. Any dog brought onto the grounds during these hours must remain secured inside a vehicle. The only exception applies to Assistance Dogs. Similarly, dogs belonging to campus residents must be secured in a yard during these hours.

Permitted Hours: Outside of school hours—including weekends, school holidays, and public holidays—dogs may be walked or run on school grounds, provided they remain under effective control. During times when large groups of people are present, such as during evening sports or special events, dogs must be physically restrained. During quieter periods, effective control by command is acceptable.

Can children play on the Junior Primary playground after school?

Children may stay to play on the Junior Primary playgroup until 4pm and only if they have full parent supervision, the playgrounds are not supervised by staff after school finishes.