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Welcome to Reception

Key Information

Morning Routine
Morning Jobs
Personal Belongings
End of the School Day
Reading at Home
Student Wellbeing and Learning Dispositions

Morning Routine

Classroom teachers open the door at 8.30 am. The bell sounds at 8.45 am and the school day begins. Classroom rolls are submitted before 8.55 am, please ensure that your child arrives on time. This will help your child to settle and will allow them to participate in our morning routine. 

 If your child arrives late to School, you must sign-in at the Preparatory School Office prior to bringing them to class. 

If your child is going to be away or late to School, please call the absentee line, T: 08 8276 0255 (this is a 24hour telephone line where you can leave a message) or email the Prep Office. Please do not email the teacher as they may be away from school on the same day. 

If you know in advance that your child is going to be away for an extended period, please send an email in advance to the teacher and to Head of Preparatory School Simon McKenzie, E: 

Morning Jobs

When children arrive at School, they are expected to independently… 

Change their reader and put their reader into their green reading folder. 

Place any notices into the return notices box. 

Place lunch orders in the lunch box container in the classroom. Hand any tuck money to the teacher in a marked envelope. 

Place their lunch box, brain snack and water bottle in their lockers. 

Put their bag away. 

Select a quiet activity to play in the classroom or play on the playground under teacher supervision. 

Personal Belongings

Junior Primary Students are Independent Learners. It is important for your child to take responsibility for their own belongings. We encourage each child to unpack and care for their own property. It is a great feeling for children when they are able to look after themselves. Encouragement and praise helps enormously! 

Little things can help, including:

Have you named all of your child’s belongings? 

Please ensure that all items are named. This includes hats, socks and shoes. 

Shoelaces. BIG Year 2s can tie their laces. Does your child need to work on this at home? 

What do I pack in the lunch box? 

Students eat a Healthy Snack during the day. Please pack fruit, vegetables or cheese for your child to snack on. No yoghurt at this time please. 

At recess and lunch times, please ensure that your child can open his or her own packets. Get them to practice at home. 

Please only fill drink bottles with water. 

End of the School Day

For our youngest students in Reception and Year 1, please wait in the Reception/YR1 courtyard, rather than the corridors. After 3.30pm, children who have not been collected will wait with the teacher on yard duty under the tree outside the Reception/YR1 classrooms.  

Our Year 2 students, if not collected from the classroom by a parent, will wait with the staff member on duty in the JP Playground. If your child has not been collected by 3.45pm, they will be placed under the supervision of Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) staff. If you would like to book your child into OSHC, please collect a form from the Prep Office or contact OSHC, T: 08 8276 0390 or E:

If someone else is collecting your child after school, please speak to the teacher in the morning or inform the teacher via email. 

 We realise that occasionally pick-up arrangements can change during the day and would encourage you to email or phone the class teacher before 1.00 pm (please leave a message if the phone is not answered). We ask that you contact the teacher as early in the day as possible. If the change to expected routine happens late in the day, calling the Prep Office on 08 8276 0219 would be best. 

Reading at Home

We encourage all students to read aloud for at least 10 minutes after school. We do not call this a ‘homework task’. Daily practice encourages children to make reading a part of their daily routine. Frequent reading helps to reinforce skills learnt in class and it further strengthens student abilities. We want our students to foster a love of reading with a passion for life-long learning. 

Please take the time to sit with your child and to listen as they read. Remember to make this a positive experience. 

When reading with your child: 

Create a quiet and calm environment. Do not rush reading, remain positive around books. 

Sit next to your child 

Never read a book cold. Discuss and question the text before you begin. 

Discuss the text during and after reading. Questioning helps to strengthen comprehension skills. 

Explore real world texts and foster a love of reading. 

Read for pleasure in front of your child. You are your child’s best teacher! 

Please ask your child to record his/her reading daily in the diary. 

 We encourage students to explore classroom learning beyond classroom walls and to share discoveries with the class. 

Your child may wish to further practice their mathematical skills using digital technologies. If so, we recommend using Matific.  Student logins to be sent home shortly for Year 1 and Year 2. 

Student Wellbeing and Learning Dispositions

At Westminster School we believe in educating the whole person. We want our students to be optimistic, resilient and positive people so that they can strive, thrive and flourish at School, at home and in the big wide world. 

Students will participate in health and wellbeing lessons. This program aims to support the development of young people’s social and emotional capabilities. Students will participate in mindfulness and meditation activities, and they will be exposed to opportunities to strengthen their self-awareness and well-being within Assemblies and House Meetings. 

You may hear words such as ‘resilience, goals, stamina, optimism, gratitude and positivity’ at home. We encourage you to question your child on this language and to include it in your daily conversations. 

For ideas about how you can practice mindfulness at home, please speak to your child’s teacher. 


In class we often discuss the importance of a healthy lunchbox, rubbish minimisation and recycling. We encourage your child to consider this when filling his/her lunch box. Please speak with your child’s teacher should you notice that food is not being consumed at school. 

With the exception of packaged birthday treats, distributed in class, students are not permitted to share foods at School. 

Lunch orders need to be placed via the QKR application by 9.30 am. You are also able to cancel orders before this time if needed. 

Tuck money for the canteen is capped at $3.00.