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New Zealand Downhill Ski Trip


Saturday 12 - Friday 18 July 2025.


Return flights arriving and departing via Queenstown. 

Note: As this is an international trip, a valid passport with at least six months before expiry is required to attend.


Andrew Brickhill, Simon Shepherd, Tanya Jones, Matthew Stone, Kate Stewart and Jonathon Bishop.


Approximately $4500.

Key dates
Packing list
Important inclusions
Important exclusions

Key dates

Tuesday 11 March 2025

Participant information form including passport photocopies due

Friday 14 March 2025

Return personal information form (emailed)

Return photo of passport

Tuesday 18 March 2025

RSVP to Consent2Go


The Downhill Ski Trip has been a much-loved Westminster tradition since the 1970s, running most years with only a few exceptions. A highlight of the co-curricular calendar, it offers students a unique and memorable experience with a range of benefits.

For some, it is their first opportunity to visit an alpine environment and experience snow. For others, it is a chance to refine their skiing or snowboarding skills and reconnect with winter snowsports. Skiing and snowboarding present a rewarding challenge, requiring confidence, balance, coordination and agility—skills that are developed with the guidance of trained instructors, Westminster staff and the support of school friends.

Blending fun, learning and personal growth, the Downhill Ski Trip is often fondly remembered by Old Scholars as one of the standout experiences of their time at Westminster.

Packing list

All linen and towels are included

Suitcase with clear label including name address and Westminster School


Snow Gear:
  • Wool or Polypropylene Thermal Top
  • Wool or Polypropylene Leggings
  • Fleece or Wool Mid-layers ideally one thick and one thin
  • Waterproof Jacket for snowsports
  • Waterproof Ski /Over pants
  • Waterproof Snow Gloves or Mittens
  • Wool-blend Ski Socks
  • Beanie, balaclava and/or neck warmer
  • Snow Goggles
  • Sturdy waterproof footwear
Off-Snow Gear:
  • Neat casual clothing with a focus on warmth and comfort
  • ‘Travel Bag’; backpack for carrying essentials whilst travelling (with name tag). Please note: weight and size restrictions apply.
  • Water bottle (empty when passing through airport security)
  • Correct PE uniform for travel days (no House Tops)
Personal Needs:
  • Sunglasses
  • Sun cream & lip balm (SPF 30+ recommended)
  • Toiletries (soap, toothbrush & toothpaste, shampoo & conditioner, moisturiser, tissues)
  • Hairdryer (optional)
  • Please note: On arrival and departure students will be required to carry their own luggage between the coach and their accommodation. This may be up to 150m over snow. We recommend travellers choose soft sided bags which can be carried rather than large suitcases or wheelied luggage. Appropriate, sturdy, waterproof footwear should be worn on arrival, departure and whilst outdoors in Alpine Areas.

Important inclusions

Return flights to Queenstown

Bus transfers between the airport and accommodation

Accommodation for 6 nights at Pinewood Lodge, Queenstown

Meals (breakfast and dinner only)

Daily transfers to and from the accommodation to the ski fields (approximately 30 minutes)

5 days of skiing

Ski hire, ski jacket and pants, boots and equipment, lift passes and daily lessons

Travel insurance (including medical)

Clothing hire, including helmets

Important exclusions

Lunches daily on the ski fields

Food whilst in transit

Locker rental on the mountain

Communication on the mountain


Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Day 1

Flight to Queenstown

Transfer from airport to Pinewood Lodge


Day 2

Breakfast provided by Pinewood Lodge

Collect lift pass and snowsports equipment

Travel to The Remarkables

Snowsport lesson (1 hour 25 minutes)

Students provide their own lunch

Snowsport lesson (1 hour 25 minutes)

Return to accommodation

Free time to experience the village and rest in the common room

Dinner provided by Pinewood Lodge

9.00pm daily round up and check in

Day 3

Breakfast provided by Pinewood Lodge

Travel to The Remarkables

Snowsport lesson (1 hour 25 minutes)

Snowsports free time

Students provide their own lunch

Return to accommodation

Free time to experience the village and rest in the common room

Dinner provided by Pinewood Lodge

9.00pm daily round up and check in

Day 4

Breakfast provided by Pinewood Lodge

Travel to The Remarkables

Snowsport lesson (1 hour 25 minutes)

Snowsports free time

Students provide their own lunch

Return to accommodation

Free time to experience the village and rest in the common room

Dinner provided by Pinewood Lodge

9.00pm daily round up and check in

Day 5

Breakfast provided by Pinewood Lodge

Travel to The Remarkables

Snowsports lesson (1 hour 25 minutes)

Snowsports free time

Students provide their own lunch

Return to accommodation

Free time to experience the village and rest in the common room

Dinner provided by Pinewood Lodge

9.00pm daily round up and check in

Day 6

Breakfast provided by Pinewood Lodge

Travel to The Remarkables

Snowsports free time

Students provide their own lunch

Return to accommodation

Free time to experience the village and rest in the common room

Dinner provided by Pinewood Lodge

9.00pm daily round up and check in

Day 7

Breakfast provided by Pinewood Lodge

Depart on flight home

Please direct further enquiries regarding the trip, or the nature of the activities, to Tour Manager, Andrew Brickhill on 8276 0321 or via email.