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A caring community

We believe that the wellbeing of students and staff at Westminster is important for increasing engagement, social connection and academic achievement. To ensure students are thriving and flourishing, we believe in real connections between students, between students and staff, and between staff.  

In the Preparatory School, the classroom teacher builds a solid relationship with every student staying with the same class all year. In the Senior School, in Years 7 and 8, there is a dedicated tutor teacher for a class, along with a Head of Year who oversees the wellbeing of students. From Years 9 to 12, students are grouped according to their House, with a Head of House overseeing their wellbeing. Each day, students are met by a House tutor in their year group. The House structure provides strong bonds between different age groups of students, and between students and staff facilitating connection across the whole School. 

In addition, the Wellbeing@West curriculum is taught in every class from Reception to Year 12 with dedicated time each week to ensure students are building the necessary skills to maximise their wellbeing. We use the positive psychology, PERMA + model to design the lessons, and this year have also incorporated The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum into these lessons, focusing on child safety and respectful relationships, and providing age and developmentally appropriate activities for children and young people. Students are taught skills based on our five values of resilience, courage, curiosity, kindness and inclusivity, as well as the Westminster Capability Compass. 

Students are given time to practice these skills within the lessons and outside the classroom in the many outdoor education opportunities, cocurricular opportunities and social interactions and events throughout the year. 

When students are struggling or languishing, we have a dedicated Counselling Suite where students can access one of our three counsellors to get them back on track with their wellbeing. This service works closely with Heads of House, Classroom Teachers, Tutors, Heads of Year, the Head of Preparatory School and the Head of Senior School to ensure students' mental health is a priority.  
In 2023, we introduced a Wellbeing Dog, Minnie, who is very popular with students to help with self-regulation; is a calming influence for students dealing with trauma; increases school attendance, self-esteem and confidence. 

Staff wellbeing is also important. Our focus for staff is on connection. When and where possible, we provide opportunities for our staff to connect with each other through professional learning opportunities, a buddy and mentoring system, an instructional coaching framework and social opportunities.