Westminster Weekly - Edition 8
Preparatory School
Harmony Week Activities
At Westminster, we embrace and celebrate our diverse, inclusive community.
Next week, we invite all students and families to share their cultural heritage through a week-long celebration of events.
The festivities will conclude with Cultural Dress Up Day on Friday 21 March, where students are encouraged to dress in a way that reflects their cultural heritage or wear a splash of orange, the official colour of Harmony Day. If students are more comfortable, they are welcome to change back into their uniform at any point throughout the day.
For all information relating to Harmony Week, including a breakdown of student activities throughout the week, please click here.
Weekly Sports Wrap
Week 8 Wednesday Co-Curricular Training
The final Summer Co-Curricular training session for Year 3–6 students will be held on Wednesday 19 March. While some games will continue beyond this date, families are encouraged to keep an eye on communication from their child’s Summer Co-Curricular sport.
Looking ahead, Wednesday 26 March will be Athletics Day, and in Week 10, we will begin our first Winter Co-Curricular training session.
Year 4/5 Cricket Team
On Wednesday 12 March, our Year 4/5 Cricket Team played their first match in the Statewide SAPSASA Year 5/6 Knockout Game at Victoria Park against Hillcrest Primary School. Batting first in the T20 match, we posted a solid 4/64. Hillcrest reached the target in the 19th over, finishing 4/67 from their 20 overs.
For many of our players, this was their first experience with a hard ball match. Having come together for the first time in October 2024, this dedicated group has shown great promise. With another year of training and weekly competition in IGSSA, they are certainly a team to watch.