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In preparation for 2025, Westminster will introduce a new School Laptop program to support students and families in navigating the challenges of cybersecurity and online learning.

From 2025, all Year 4 students and new students from Years 4 to 12 will receive a standardised Windows-based laptop through the School, ensuring consistency across classrooms. This approach aligns with other schools’ efforts to enhance online safety both at school and during remote learning. A new IT Levy will cover the supply of a School laptop and all the necessary support to keep it operational.

Students who have a School-approved laptop (ie purchased through the School portal) will be able to continue using that device until it is no longer viable. At that time, students will be asked to move to the new School Laptop program. This also applies to School approved devices being handed down to younger siblings.

The ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) plan (ie not previously School-approved) will be phased out from 2025. There will be a grace period of two years to allow BYOD to continue but when these personal laptops need replacing, students will need to move to the new School Laptop program. All BYODs that are not School-approved devices will not be allowed into the School network from the start of 2027.  The new IT Levy will not apply to a BYOD while it is allowed to be used during the grace period.  

We are currently selecting the best laptop models to fit the School’s curriculum, security needs and broad range of student use. Please note, this program doesn’t affect any personal devices you may choose for home use but these will not be allowed into the School network.

In line with our Acceptable Use of ICT policy, software installations will be strictly controlled via a secure Westminster portal.


What does this mean for your child and family?

For all students entering Year 4 in 2025 and new students to the School (Years 4 to 12) in 2025: 

  • As a family with a child entering Year 4 at Westminster in 2025 or a new family , our intention is that your child will be automatically enrolled in this new program.
  • An annual IT Levy will apply (see below) for a laptop supplied, fully supported and network secured under the new School Laptop program.
  • Each student will receive a Windows laptop, with protective case, preloaded with all the necessary technology for the classroom, ensuring they are ready to start school on the first day of Term 1 2025.
  • Under the program, no supplied laptop is planned to be more than three years old.
  • As we approach a time of year when laptop promotions ramp up, we ask that you do not purchase a laptop or similar device for use at School. 
  • There is no need to purchase a separate device for your child’s use at School or for doing School work at home. 


For all students (Years 5 to 12) in 2025:

  • The new program sees the School providing a standardised Windows-based laptop for all students as the need arises, attracting a new annual IT Levy (see below).
  • As many families have purchased a School-approved laptop (through the School portal) in recent years for their child, this laptop will continue to be serviced under the existing arrangements until such time as the device needs to be replaced.
  • The new program shifts the policy away from the option of being able to BYOD and this is particularly important for families potentially in the market for a new School device for their child.
  • If you are currently a BYOD family, we will continue to support your child’s functioning BYOD until the commencement of the 2027 school year.
  • We want all students to be on a School-approved device by the commencement of 2027, which fits the general profile of device life.
  • If your child’s current laptop is your own, purchased School-approved device, it will continue to be supported until it needs replacing, even if this extends beyond the start of 2027.
  • The new annual IT Levy will not be applied to families currently in the BYOD grace period or who using their own purchased school-approved laptop.


More information will be released as the year progresses but if you have questions at this time, please feel free to contact us at E:

Benefits and IT Levy

What are the benefits of the new laptop program?
IT Levy

What are the benefits of the new laptop program?

While more details will become available, here are some key benefits of the program:

Standardisation: By 2027, we are aiming for all students to be using a School-approved Windows device, making it easier for students to support each other and collaborate. Students in Year 4 in 2025, receiving a School-issued laptop, will already be learning within this program.

Uniform Environment: The program will create a consistent technology environment for all students, allowing teachers to seamlessly incorporate technology into lessons without managing multiple operating systems and devices. 

Enhanced Security: The devices will include advanced security features, offering robust protection both at School and at home. This security will be continuously monitored by Microsoft, providing peace of mind for parents.

Comprehensive Support: The program includes warranty and break-fix support, managed by the Westminster ICT team. In case of any issues, students will have access to spare units, ensuring a quick transition to a loan or replacement device as needed. 

IT Levy

To offset this change in our laptop/device program, we are anticipating an annual IT Levy of around $800. The exact amount will be confirmed with the fee schedule for 2025.

The annual IT Levy will cover:

  • Allocation of a fully maintained School-issued device (updated in three-yearly cycles) for learning use at School and home.
  • Cyber security protection/anti-virus/anti-malware protection monitored ‘24/7’ (by Microsoft and Westminster IT).
  • School-required software to be pre-installed so that students are ‘ready to go’.
  • Simplified support process - all claims under warranty to be managed by the School.
  • Access to a laptop should the student's allocated device need to be swapped-out for repair or replacement. 
  • A protective carry case.


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