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Season Summary 

Winter sport in Terms 2 and 3 is a busy time with so many opportunities including Soccer, Basketball, Football, Badminton, and Netball. The Winter sporting season was our first opportunity to see our new Sport Performance Program in action; and whilst it is still a work in progress as we embed our vision into all sports, we continue to enhance our students’ opportunities. Whether it be at a participation level or a high level in sport, our Sport Performance Program provides an offering to all. 

Our over-arching vision is stated below:

Provide a positive Sports Performance Program which empowers students from participation through to high performance to equip them with important life skills and create lifelong connection to Westminster School.

One aspect of our Sport Performance Program that is starting to take shape, is the appointment of Coordinators for each sport. So far, we have appointed Coordinators for Soccer, Netball, Football and Cricket and will continue to work through further appointments.

There have been many individual and team highlights during the Winter sporting season; but as always, the Intercol week against Pembroke leads the way with the passion and enthusiasm that our students displayed.

With only a short break to recharge before Summer sport training resumes in Week 9 of this Term, our students are already gearing up in preparation for competitions resuming after the school holidays.

Stephen Schwerdt, Head of Activities


Boys Badminton - Senior
Girls Badminton - Senior C & D

Boys Badminton - Senior

The Senior Boys Badminton team has benefitted from having a very diverse squad this season, both in terms of skill but also experience. We have almost 30 in the regular squad who have been training together all year and routinely this sees Year 7 students training with students, through and up to, Year 12. 

It has been a good season in both the B and C grades, with both teams having more wins than losses. Tom Brown ably leads as the Badminton Captain and works well with our Coaches to ensure continual improvement and opportunity for all players. Our Year 7s and 8s have seen the greatest improvement this season as they continued to build their skills and gameday knowledge through continual training and playing in our C team. 

Jason Greenslade, Team Manager

Girls Badminton - Senior C & D

The season began with our regulars; Tornado Tami, Talented Teja, and Brilliant Beth taking to the court. The season saw many new comers in Arohi, Sahaj, Ariel, Cindy and Zara; all making marked improvement during training and games across the season, lead by the ever wise and patient Coach Nigel. Much progress happened across the eleven rounds, with the girls using wins to fuel their confidence, and taking away loses as learning for the future. MVP for the season was taken by Teja Elango, and our most improved being Beth Weinmann. Both players have put in extensive extra training in the previous off season to see these improvements, and it has been noted some of our new comers continue to train in to the off season with the boys in order to further their skill set for the 2025 season.  

Rachel Wilkins, Team Manager


Boys Basketball - Senior A, B & C
Boys Basketball - Mid A & B

Boys Basketball - Senior A, B & C

What a season we’ve enjoyed, coached by an SA basketball icon, ‘Mean’ Al Green (who still currently holds the NBL record of 71 points in a single game!). The A’s and B’s had winning seasons, qualifying for finals. We were led by the spirited and fiercely competitive William Hazelton (our MVP and Captain) and the exquisitely skilled Jedd Tranter (Team Award recipient). In our Intercol fixture, we had a last gasp shot at victory in a thrilling final quarter, where Big Harry Davison (who won the game MVP) got our offence into overdrive, but time was against us in the end, and we fell just short. 

The B’s had a great season, too, with Mr Dependable, Thomas Balfour (our MVP), often proving the difference with his consistent shooting. Riley Cowel (our Team Award winner) was always in everything with a hunger for the contest and the loose ball.

The C’s were coached by the Scott boys—Liam and Curtis—both old scholars who are pursuing sport at a high level, with Liam playing baseball in the States, and Curtis basketball with South Adelaide. The C’s improved game on game and ended up playing the two most thrilling games you’d wish to see with a brand of high octane ‘run and gun’ energy. It was fun to see! A special mention goes to Wengang (Steven) Cao who proved to be an explosive basketballer who mesmerised the defence with his attacking moves. Let’s not forget Big George Baker, who, in his first season of basketball, won the MVP with his consistent efforts and passion for the game. A shout out to Dante Mammone, who received the Team Award accolade.

Every best wish to our year 12 players; it’s been great to see the way you’ve supported your peers and always gave your best. (Don’t forget you’ll have to return en masse to support the Wyverns when we attempt to win back the trophy at Intercol!)

We are one team, with one goal!

Richard Noone, Team Manager

Boys Basketball - Mid A & B

This past season for the Middle Boys Basketball team at Westminster School was one full of challenges and growth. We faced a tough year, including a division change halfway through and moving from three teams down to two. But instead of letting that bring us down, the boys rose to the occasion. They worked together as a team, showing resilience and adaptability every step of the way.

While our results were a bit up and down in terms of wins, what really stood out was the boys' positive spirit. They took each game as a fresh opportunity, never giving up, no matter the score. As the season went on, both the A and B teams improved significantly. The B team, in particular, had some great wins toward the end, really highlighting how much they’d grown as players.

The boys' commitment to training and their ongoing desire to improve was evident throughout the season. It was great to see their hard work pay off, and I’m looking forward to seeing most of them back next year to continue building on what we’ve started. For our Year 9s moving up to senior basketball, I wish them all the best—they’ve got a bright future ahead.

This year’s team awards go to some standout players:

Middle As:
  • MVP: Vincent Zaitidis
  • Coaches Award: Blake Moseley
Middle Bs:
  • MVP: Hamish Gawel
  • Coaches Award: Will Sayers

All in all, it was a season that wasn’t just about the challenges we faced, but about how we came together as a team to overcome them. I’m proud of what we achieved and excited for what’s to come.

Sarah Kershaw, Team Manager


Boys Football - 1st XVIII
Boys Football - 2nd XVIII
Boys Football - 10A
Boys Football - 10B
Boys Football - 8/9
Boys Football - 7A
Girls Football - 1st XVIII
Girls Football - Middle A

Boys Football - 1st XVIII

The 2024 season has brought me to the end of my five years in charge of the 1st XVIII, and once again I have really enjoyed the experience.

This year after all the players and coaches voted- Max Robertson was selected as Captain, Wil Thomas as Vice-Captain with Darby Fitzgerald as our Deputy. These 3 students have all been great leaders, and I have enjoyed our conversations and discussions about the team and hearing your ideas and thoughts. You have all been dedicated players and led the team well this year. 

The 1st XVIII finished with a 4-win, 8-loss season. We had a great Term 1 winning 4 out of 5 games, and as a result of the new Division 1 pool system, this meant we qualified to be in the top 6 Division 1 Schools. This was a great achievement. It turned out to be a very strong competition this year and I was very proud of the players who played to our standards and really tried their hardest against these top 5 school teams. Whilst we were not able to get a win, I am sure the boys all enjoyed the challenge.

Over the season, we had 37 players represent the 1st XVIII, with over 60 players playing 1st or 2nd XVIII. This is a significant increase on previous years, in which we have had 30 players in the 1st team. This was inclusive of 18 x Year 12 students, 15 x Year 11 students, and 4 x Year 10 students. I am confident we can be a competitive side again next year, knowing we had 19 boys play this year already.

A highlight of the season was the big win against Rostrevor in Term 2. No easy achievement, this was the second time in our history that we have beaten Rostrevor. Our round 1 effort versus Prince Alfred College - who were undefeated for the rest of the season, and State Champions, showed that we were able to mix with the best. Whilst we lost Intercol, I am sure in time it will be a great memory for the boys.

Special mentions & thank you

A special mention is owed to Tim Alver and Patrick Hutchins who have recently been selected in the SA Under 17 Futures Squad and may get the opportunity to play before the SANFL Grand Final this year as part of this program. I look forward to watching you progress.

To Mike, Stephen and Marianne who do all the work behind the scenes to get the team up and running, thank you very much

Andrew Junge, thank you for making sure all of the Boarders got there each week and managed their day-to-day football preparation.

Stu Burns, whilst coaching the Year 10 Football team, thank you for helping at our trainings and match days. I apologise for taking four of your players - you have done a great job and I am confident they will be ready for senior football next year because of all the expertise and hard work you puts into the team

David Tiller, Coach of 2nd XVIII, you have been a huge contributor to the football program, and I thank you for your help.

Adam Thompson, a very committed strength and conditioning coach at all trainings and match days.  I can’t thank you enough for the commitment you have made to us all. Not only the conditioning and warmups, but to have match days stats from you has been very valuable. Thank you for your contribution.

Jon Dyer, thank you for not only assisting with strength and conditioning, but for taking on the role of Team Manager. We have appreciated your organisation and professionalism, and your help running our rotations and occasionally, acting as our team runner. We thank you for your inspiration, season presentations and online count. 

Seamus Maloney, thank you for venturing out to help with training on Thursdays, for taking charge of our defenders on match days, and for being our match day runner. The players have really appreciated your knowledge, advice on match days, and general help throughout the season. 

Andrew Whiteman, thank your for your dedication this year. With 2024 being your second year involved in the program, we are grateful for your knowledge on match days, and your help to guide the midfield group. Our players have really appreciated your advice, and have developed alongside it

Players, I am really proud of you all this year. I am thankful for the opportunity to coach you, and thank you for your dedication and willingness to work hard in becoming the best football players possible. 

Good luck to the Year 12 students who leave us, and I look forward to coaching the Year 10 and 11 students continuing next year. 

Tim Weatherald, Head Coach & Jon Dyer, Team manager

Boys Football - 2nd XVIII

Season 2024 saw 44 different players from Years 11 and 12 playing at least one match, which is certainly more than usual. Pleasingly, it showed that a large number of senior boys were keen to play footy for the School with their mates.

The season started with a difficult match against PAC where we struggled against a school with many more boys than us who have a strong football culture and a lot of depth. We lost that match by 100+ points.

The second match was against Rostrevor 2nds, and after trailing by 8 goals at quarter time, we looked headed for another big loss. Pleasingly, the boys competed well for the remainder of the game being outscored by 5 goals to 3.

We then had a run of 3 wins in a row against Trinity College (Oscar Shipway 3 goals), Scotch College 2nds (Bobby Carpenter 5 goals) and also Sacred Heart 5ths. In that game Ethan Stoeckel scored 8 goals in his only game with us before heading to the 1sts for the rest of the season. 

With the 1st XV111 winning 4 out of 5 games in the 1st round we headed into the second half of the season knowing that we would have some tough games going forward as we followed the 1sts into the top division.

We therefore had big losses to St Michaels and St Peters before a re-match with PAC 3rds. We had a fantastic game with them this time to only go down by about 6 goals which was a 20+ goal improvement. We then had a late afternoon twilight game at Glenelg Oval against Sacred Heart 4ths which resulted in a disappointing 4-point loss as we certainly had our chances to win. The following week we ventured to Rostrevor where unfortunately they proved far too strong to record a very easy win. We bounced back the next week to beat St Michael’s 3rds in our only wet game for the season where once again Bobby Carpenter scored 5 goals. 

The last match of the season was the Pembroke Intercol where we started very well to score the 1st 2 goals but unfortunately, they scored the next 8 to be well up at the final break. To our boys' credit we had a very good last quarter, scoring 4 goals to 1 but it wasn’t enough and so Pembroke held on for a 17-point win.

Overall, the boys' efforts and attitude were fantastic in matches and at trainings making it a very positive and enjoyable season for the players and myself as coach.

Bobby Carpenter won the top goalkicker with 15 goals. 22 different boys kicked at least 1 goal during the season which was really great.

Toby Brown (Best and Fairest), Max Van Kruyssen (Best Team man), Ethan Natale, Nik Damato, Jack White, Benny Hoddle, Darcy Schinckel, James McManus, Toby Sutton, Seamus Kelly and Laikin Whittaker all had solid seasons while a number of other boys certainly had positive games at various times. 21 different players appeared in our list of 5 best players for each of the games at some stage during the season.

David Tiller, Coach

Boys Football - 10A

The Year 10A Football Team had a season of growth and development, from a solid defeat against PAC A’s in the opening game to a run of five straight wins to finish the year, including a 12-goal win in the final game, Intercol against Pembroke.   Under Stuart Burns’ football-wise coaching there was improvement in nearly every player, learning to play as a team and create spaces for movement of the ball effectively.   Ian Thomson was awarded Most Valuable Player with Astin Rouvray runner-up and Finn Brown Best team Player.

Reverend Phil Hoffman, Team Manager

Boys Football - 10B

Overall, the 10B’s had a fun-filled season this year. Although this season did not always yield the results we had hoped for, the determination, resilience and love for the game displayed by each team member are worthy of recognition. Facing challenges with high spirits, these young athletes persevered and continued to improve throughout the season.

With a rotating roster of Year 10 and Year 9 students, each week felt like a brand-new opportunity to see what worked. Our matches were high-energy, including some particularly strong clashes in which our boys showed serious skill. The team always demonstrated exceptional teamwork, with every achievement celebrated heartily.

Our coaches, Ryder, Fraser, and Darby have been instrumental in providing our boys with the support and guidance necessary for growth and development. Their leadership helped foster a positive team culture and a strong sense of camaraderie among players.

One particularly notable game was our lucky last against Rostrevor. With a massive turnout from Year 10A players, and support from a huge group of First players, the 10’s put on a fantastic performance. While we ended up going down by a single point, the atmosphere was electric the entire game, and it was awesome to watch.

The season’s achievements extend beyond game results. The boys showed up to practice with enthusiasm and determination, always eager to grow as athletes and as teammates. Their shared passion for the game and commitment to their team led to improved skills, enhanced understanding of teamwork, and valuable memories.

As we look back on this season, it serves as a reminder that the most important aspect of sports lies in the journey—the moments of shared joy, hard work, and growth that make the game worth-while.


Best and Fairest: William Crouch

Runner-up Best and Fairest: Digby Harvie

Team Man: Jack Pridham

Luke Marcus, Team Manager

Boys Football - 8/9

From the beginning of the season, the Year 9 and Year 8 footballers showed a level of enthusiasm that was infectious and carried them through some challenging games. 

With ‘fierce competitiveness’ as our theme, the boys embraced the concept and developed into a team that had no social barriers and gave their very best effort at all times. The aim of earning respect took the scoreboard pressure away and by the end of the season, the style of game was fast ball movement and utilising the marking power of the bigger players. 

Outstanding for his leadership and consistent performances was Gilbert Cox, who was the clear best and fairest winner. The most genuine player also had a fine season with strong goal kicking games and equally adept in defence, which was Oscar May.  Ethan Williamson, quite remarkably as a Year 8, was the most competitive player who also played most positions with admirable desperation. Noah Hunter evolved from an efficient tackler to having a great presence with great skill and enthusiasm for body contact. Jed Taylor and Jett Petroff were also fine contributors playing as midfielders with Year 8 bodies against bigger and heavier opponents. They showed great courage and tenacity. Toby Siddons was another standout player for his adaptability, game sense and leadership – also as a year 8. Riley Wilson had some dashing moments, Suhaan Khanuja was powerful with a kicking ability rare for this age group and Thomas Evans was consistently competitive.

Mr Wark, Coach & Mr Pullin, Team Manager

Boys Football - 7A

The 2024 season saw the Year 7 Football team enter into a Year 7A-only team for the first time in a while, with 31 Year 7 students to choose from each week. This was a great problem to have.

We finished the football season with 3 wins and 8 losses. We had a great Term 1 winning 3 of our first 5 games, and took great pride in beating PAC and Rostrevor, who have much bigger numbers of students to select teams from. It turned out to be a very strong competition this year and I was very proud of the players who played to our standards and regularly trained their hardest against and competed every week, no matter what the score. We were not able to get that final Intercol win, but we certainly showed some great effort against the bigger and older boys from Pembroke.

Special mentions

Individually I’d like to make special mention and congratulate the following students on their below achievements. They each displayed outstanding characteristics during the season: 

  • Best and Fairest: Alex Bradley
  • Best Team Man: Jake Woodward
  • Most Improved: Toby Brooks

For me the team highlight was the win against PAC in Term. It was the first time I have witnessed a Year 7 or 7/8 team at Westminster beat PAC, which is no easy achievement. It was a game that could have gone either way, and our tackling and pressure on that day was certainly a standout. In addition, our Round 1 effort v Rostrevor, who are regularly undefeated, was fantastic. 

A special mention is owed to Coach, Seamus Maloney. Whilst Seamus teaches at another school, he made the effort to get to Westminster quickly each Wednesday for training. His own expertise and experience at SANFL level made him a perfect choice for our players that were new to football and our more experienced players whom he could direct.

Finally, the players, as mentioned above, I was really proud of all of you this year, I am thankful for getting the opportunity to work with you all during the day at School and then manage the team. Thank you for the dedication and willingness to work hard to be the best footballers you can be.

I look forward to seeing you all continue with your football next year in Year 8.

Jon Dyer, Team Manager

Girls Football - 1st XVIII

This season was our most successful in three years, securing five wins and finishing 5th on the ladder. Among the highlights was the return of Emily Mabelson, who rejoined us after her season with West Adelaide. The 2024 Under 16’s All-Star Captain’s impact was immediate, including a remarkable goal from the 50-meter line on the boundary.

Throughout the season, our "Dragon of the Week" award recognized players who demonstrated exceptional skill and/or commitment to our team values. The recipients were:

  • Round 1: Kia Bascomb
  • Round 2: Lucy Weatherald
  • Round 3 Paige Exelby
  • Round 4: Missy Richards
  • Round 5: Eleanor Lynch
  • Round 6: Sophia Edwards
  • Round 7: Emily Mabelson
  • Round 8: Becky Warren
  • Round 9: BYE
  • Round 10: Abbie Solomon

The Team Player Award was presented to Paige Exelby, who exemplified our team values of positivity and mutual support. Paige's improvement in both skill and game sense, combined with her leadership qualities, made her a standout this season.

Intercollegiate MVP was awarded to Lucy Weatherald. Stationed at Half-Back, Lucy's defensive prowess was evident through her numerous interceptions. Her adaptability, willingness to play wherever needed, and her football intelligence made her one of the finest young talents I've had the pleasure to coach.

The Runner-Up Best and Fairest went to Kia Bascomb, who consistently performed at a high level throughout the season. Her relentless pursuit of the ball and leadership on the field, including scoring crucial captain's goals, were invaluable.

Finally, the Best and Fairest award was deservedly won by Abbie Solomon. A versatile player, Abbie excelled in multiple positions, from Half-Forward to Ruck, and even in defence. Her leadership and goal-scoring ability made her an indispensable member of the team and our leading goal kicker for the season.

A great season overall and a great team to coach.

Hayley McAteer, Coach & Michael Boslooper, Team Manager

Girls Football - Middle A

The 2024 season was a very successful season for the Middle School Girls Football Team. Due to the very encouraging numbers that registered to play we started the season with two teams entered in to the Division 2 competition. This competition plays 12 a side and we were to have two teams entered. 

After the first two games it became evident that the girls were playing in a league that did not reflect their ability, multiple 20 goal plus wins meant that a re-grading needed to occur. Hence the two 12 a side teams merged into one team and entered into the Division 1 16 a side competition. This standard was better suited to the girl’s abilities, and they were challenged in the second half of the season in every game. It enabled the girls to really show what they were capable of and the improvements they made in these remaining 4 games justified the elevation. They won 3 or their 4 games in the Division 1 competition only getting beaten by Sacred Heart. Wins came against Scotch, Seymour, and our archrivals in Pembroke. The team had players from all years levels, 7, 8 and 9, and the efforts at trainings to get to know each other and play as a unit were transferred seamlessly into our games. 

It was heartwarming to see how much fun the team was having whilst at the same time improving their skill sets and understanding of the game. Credit must go to our coach, Ben Taylor, who has created such a safe and friendly culture amongst the team, one where the players are encouraged to take risks, be selfless, but most of all have fun and enjoy being around one another. This culture has definitely been the secret to the team’s success. It is a cliché to say that is summing up ‘all players played well’ and whilst it is a bit unfair to single out individuals three must be mentioned, these being, our MVP Sophie Hutchins, runner up MVP Zoe Harvey, and the Coaches’ Team player of the season, Alana Turner. You three will be missed as you move to next year’s Senior Team however, you have instilled in the Year 7s and 8s coming up what playing in this team is all about, ‘Leading by Example’.  Thank you so much!

Adam Burford, Team Manager


Girls Netball - Premier League & Premier League Reserves
Girls Netball - Open A/B
Girls Netball - Open C1, C2, C3 & C4
Girls Netball - 10A/B
Girls Netball - 10C
Girls Netball - 9A/B
Girls Netball - 9/10 C
Girls Netball - 9C
Girls Netball - 8A/B
Girls Netball - 7A/B
Girls Netball - 7/8C

Girls Netball - Premier League & Premier League Reserves

Throughout the season, the PL and PLR netball teams exhibited exceptional consistency and teamwork, with every player playing a vital role in the team's success. Their dedication and support were evident in their performances, with each player executing their role with both precision and enthusiasm, creating a flow on the court across numerous games. The continued success each round highlighted the skill and focus of the team. Despite facing a number of injuries and player changes, the girls demonstrated amazing adaptability and resilience with both teams gaining a place in the finals and the PL team securing a Grand Final berth this coming weekend. The commitment to training and mutual support created an environment where each player's strengths complimented one another, leading to a series of impressive victories throughout the season. 

Congratulations to the following Premier League players, Jazz McKay for winning the Best and Fairest Award, with Anna Goad as the Runner-Up, and Eliza Maloney for receiving the Coach/Team Award. 

Congratulations to the following Premier League Reserve players, Siobn Hayman for winning the Best and Fairest Award, with Eva Bratkovic as the Runner-Up, and Kia Bascomb for receiving the Coach/Team Award.

It has been an absolute privilege to manage this remarkable team of girls.

Sarah Kay, Team Manager

Girls Netball - Open A/B

Open A

The open As had a consistently strong season with a couple of tough games. Over the course of the season the girls improved as a team and gelled together. We saw some really nice passages of play from defenders, through the mid, and into the goalies. 

Our best players were Della and Leila in the mid court, but credit also goes to Georgia who worked tirelessly in defence. Ashleigh was awarded our Coaches Award for her hard work and consistency at trainings and on game day. 

It was a pleasure to coach the girls this season and watch them develop their personal and team skills. 

Open B

The B team were also a pleasure to coach this year. They had a very strong season, finishing undefeated and sitting on top of the table. Whilst, they didn’t have many challenging games this season, the girls should be super proud of themselves for keeping their heads up, continuing to work hard, and being respectful of their oppositions. The girls worked well as a team and were able to develop their skill set by trying different positions throughout the season. 

Our best players were Rosie and Violet for their consistent hard work, running, and passing. Charlotte was awarded the Coaches Award for her positive attitude on and off the court. Credit also goes out to our goalies for their very accurate shooting week in, week out. 

William Juniper, Team Manager

Girls Netball - Open C1, C2, C3 & C4

The open C squad enjoyed a season of brisk Saturday mornings out at ANZAC highway. All teams had great seasons, with particularly strong performances from C1 and C3 each only losing 1 game for the season. 

The Best and Fairest from each team consisted of; Maddy Willis, Eleanor Lynch, Ruby Harris and Chanelle Jayakody. It was amazing to see some new faces to netball this year who showed great improvement across the season. Notable improvement came from Elka Hayward and Emma Strachan.

Jess Hawke, Lara Parkinson, and Tanya Jones, Team Managers

Girls Netball - 10A/B

The Year 10A/B netball teams completed a remarkable season filled with growth, spirit, and success. The season concluded with an incredible win for both the A and B teams against Pembroke at Intercol. Finishing third overall, the girls demonstrated outstanding teamwork and skill development and should be proud of their achievements this season. Notable awards for the A team include Best and Fairest: Darcy May Martin, runner-up: Adelle Parkinson-Need, and Most Improved: Ella Jones. Notable awards for the B team include Best and Fairest: Evie Mancer, runner-up: Olivia Sterrey, and Most Improved: Elise Campbell. We extend our appreciation to the coaching staff, Marg and Tara, for their guidance, and to the caregivers and supporters for their encouragement throughout the season.

Michaela Parker, Team Manager

Girls Netball - 10C

Throughout the season, the 10C netball team demonstrated remarkable consistency and cohesion, with every player contributing significantly to the success of the team. Throughout their season, their synchronized teamwork and dedication to their team was great. Each player, whether in attack or defence, played their role with precision and enthusiasm, creating a seamless flow on the court throughout so many of the games.

Their commitment to training and mutual support fostered an environment where individual strengths of each player complemented each other well, leading to a series of well-earned strong victories throughout the season. This collective effort not only showcased their skill and strategy but also highlighted the power of teamwork and perseverance in achieving a great season. Well done to Olivia Possingham who took out the Best and Fairest Award with Runner up Lucy Bruun. Isla Begg took out the Coach/Team Award. It was an absolute privilege to Team manage this team of girls.

Jane Graham, Team Manager

Girls Netball - 9A/B

The 9AB netball teams performed well throughout the season. Their camaraderie and teamwork shone through and resulted in the girls only losing three games this season. The girls improved as a unit and they can look forward to building on their Intercol wins next year.

Nicholas Garrett, Team Manager

Girls Netball - 9/10 C

Throughout the year, the 9/10C netball team faced significant challenges with some of the girls out with injuries and therefore frequent changes to the team. 

Despite the setbacks with players sidelined and constant adjustments to the team, the team remained dedicated throughout the season. They adapted to new formations and strategies, working well to maintain their performance on the court. Each player stepped up, whether as a temporary replacement or in a new role, showing resilience and commitment to their team. Their ability to keep pushing forward and striving for improvement was a credit to them as was their hard work and determination. 

A solid season by 9/10C. Well done to Katherine Veitch for taking out the Best and Fairest Award with Runner Up Willow Wakefield and the Coach/Team Award going to Sophie Warren.

Jane Graham, Team Manager

Girls Netball - 9C

The 9C team had an outstanding season, winning the majority of their games. It was truly rewarding to see each player grow in both confidence and skills throughout the season. The girls consistently came to training and games with smiles on their faces, and their teamwork improved greatly as they bonded together.

Our Best and Fairest award went to a player who was always eager to take on feedback, demonstrated exceptional skills, and consistently put in the hard work. This player showed great leadership and gave her all in every game and practice. We are thrilled to present Charlotte with the Best and Fairest award for 9C.

Our Runner-Up Best and Fairest is awarded to a player who was highly skilled, motivated her peers, and always gave her best effort. We are pleased to recognize Charlotte for this achievement as well.

Finally, the Best Team Player award for 9C goes to a girl who always gave her best, was an excellent teammate, and consistently demonstrated the Westminster values. We are proud to present this award to Chloe.

Kate Stewart, Team Manager

Girls Netball - 8A/B

The 8 A/B team had a slightly chaotic season riddled with different injuries, but that didn’t stop them from adapting and continuing to play with great spirit week in and week out!

While we may not have had many wins across the season, the girls maintained winning attitudes and kept their heads high, a commendable effort with some very close games. When we did come away with a win the players were respectful of the other team, their attitudes once again something to be commended. 

In our A’s team we had Co-Captains Brooke and Saskia who both played great games this season. Brooke is a natural leader both on and off the court, who has an incredible read of the game and put away a significant number of goals for the team across the season. Saskia was an incredibly versatile player, jumping in wherever she was needed and putting in 100% every time, probably tracking the most kms ran for the team. Another special mention to our most positive player Indy, who constantly had a smile plastered on her face, which became contagious to other players, whether we were at training, winning or standing out in the cold and wet early on a Saturday morning. 

In the B’s, we had multiple players that had a run in both the A and B games. Specifically, our Vice-Captain Jolie who played both the A and B games almost every week, without any complaint, a joy both on and off the court. We also had Lily who got a run in both the A and B games, providing us endless entertainment with her infectious personality and commentary of the games who definitely “isn’t a shooter,” scoring some great goals over the season. Zoe Drake also helped in both the A and B games, being a key defender over the season, seeming to appear out of nowhere to intercept the ball from the other team. And a special mention to Elle who was out for the entire season with a broken leg who made her debut in the last quarter of our Intercol game, playing like she never left and shooting some great goals. 

Overall, we had a lovely season and while we may not have come away with many wins the girls should be very proud of their efforts and attitudes on the court.  

Rachael Hamilton, Team Manager

Girls Netball - 7A/B

This netball season for 7A’s was one of pleasing development and teamwork. The team demonstrated great versatility, with some players adapting to new positions, showcasing their ability to step up when needed. The team's strengths and weaknesses complemented one another, allowing the team to form a cohesive unit, displaying smooth transitioning and ball movement down the court. The players pleasing sportsmanship highlighted their strong representation of the school. As the season progressed, the team rose to every challenge, growing in confidence and determined to remain undefeated. With the grand final on the horizon, the team is focused on finishing the season strong, aiming for a solid and impressive performance to cap off their hard work and dedication.

Kelly Warren, Team Manager

Girls Netball - 7/8C

We had the pleasure of coaching and supporting the 7/8 colours this year. The girls had an outstanding season winning all but one game. The girls each game developed in confidence and found their positions which they are wanting to specialise in. 

I want to thank the girls for being so committed throughout the season and demonstrating grit and growth mindset throughout the season. A special shoutout to the amazing parents who came out each week to support Chrysta and I we simply couldn’t have done it without you. 

Our best and fairest player went to a girl who always willing to take on feedback, had outstanding skills and was always willing to put in the work ethic. We are so pleased to award Soeli as the Best and fairest for 7/8C. Our runner up B&F was a player who was encouraging, supportive and demonstrated outstanding leadership throughout the season. We are so pleased to award this to Ivy. Lastly for 7/8C we are awarding the best team player who grew as a player and confidence throughout the It is our absolute pleasure to award the best team player to lovely Charlotte.

Kate Stewart, Team Manager


Boys Soccer - 1st XI
Boys Soccer - Mid A & B
Boys Soccer - Year 7
Girls Soccer - 1st XI

Boys Soccer - 1st XI

Our First X1 played this season in the SAAS Open C competition. We fielded a young team with only one Year 12 player, this all goes well for next season as we will maintain the nucleus of the same squad for 2025. Although, the scorelines predominantly went against us the team developed and played in excellent spirit. The players enjoyed the experience playing with their friends with the final game against St Peters being the highlight with a closely fought 5 all draw. We were soundly beaten in the Intercol against Pembroke who were a much stronger team.

Awards for the season:
  • Most Improved: Sabhay Anand
  • Coaches Award: Wengang Cao
  • Intercol best player: Dylan Wood
Gary Davison, Team Manager

Boys Soccer - Mid A & B

This season, we’ve laid a strong foundation for our younger teams in the Senior School, bringing together players with a wide range of soccer experience. Our focus has been on embedding a playing style centred around quick, one- and two-touch progressive football while also allowing individuals to thrive and express themselves on the pitch.

While not all results have gone our way, we’ve remained committed to our playing philosophy. Some of our teams have faced the added challenge of playing up a year, and we look forward to next season with a year’s worth of experience and physical growth, making us even more competitive.

On behalf of the players and parents, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our coaches and staff for their time, dedication, and invaluable support to the soccer program.

Special mentions

A special mention goes to Marianne Collier, who did an outstanding job organizing the end-of-season awards and pizza event—thank you, Marianne!

Parents, I would also like to personally thank you for your unwavering commitment, ensuring the players were well-prepared and present at every venue. Your support has been crucial to our success. I am especially grateful for the generous gifts that Mr. Di Nino and I received—thank you!

While there have been many standout performances and contributions this season, I want to congratulate the following students on their awards:

Year 7
  • Most Improved: Lucas Rosser
  • Coaches Award: Rhys Rickards
  • Players' Player: Charlie Mudge
Year 8 B
  • Most Improved: Harry Holdstock
  • Coaches Award: Sam Shipway
  • Players' Player: Jack Collier
Year 8 A
  • Most Improved: Bradley Provis
  • Coaches Award: Harry Judd
  • Players' Player: Lucas Green

It was wonderful to celebrate the end of our soccer season with an awards ceremony and a well-deserved pizza party. The event was a fantastic success, with around 50 students from various age groups and teams coming together to mark the occasion.

Though the season has come to an end, we will continue to organise events and training opportunities for our eager and enthusiastic players.

Thank you once again to everyone who contributed to such a fantastic season.

Yours for soccer,

Matt Beeston, Coach & Head of Soccer

Boys Soccer - Year 7

The Year 7 students showed impressive growth in both confidence and skills throughout the soccer season.  

Lucas Rosser was influential in defence, showing great persistence from the start of the year and winning the award for 'most improved'. Goalkeeper, Rhys Rickards, played a crucial role in the team's success, making several key saves that secured wins in the closer games and consistently demonstrating strong leadership.

A few standout moments included a hard-fought 4-3 win against Nazareth College, where the boys displayed great determination, and another strong performance against Cardijn College, scoring three goals in the first half. 

Overall, with continued effort and discipline, the Year 7's will keep improving in the years ahead.

Adrian Di Nino, Coach

Girls Soccer - 1st XI

The Westminster Girls' Soccer team had a phenomenal, record-breaking season in 2024. Welcoming a blend of fresh talent and experienced players from Years 7 to 12, the team quickly came together to dominate the field.

Throughout the entire season, they remained undefeated, showcasing their depth in a match where seven different players found the back of the net, and multiple games where they scored 10 or more goals. The pinnacle of their achievements was a historic 5-1 win over a formidable Pembroke side, securing Westminster's first ever Girls' Soccer Intercol win.

As we look ahead to 2025, excitement is building for the continued growth of soccer at Westminster. With hopes to field two girls' teams next year, the future is looking bright!

Congratulations to Team Captain, Maddy Willoughby and Aijay Willoughby who were tied for our Players Award, and Zara Chowdhry for securing runner up. 

Alicia Borg, Coach & Ross Willoughby Team Manager