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Growing practical and intellectual skills through Agriculture 

Set over 4.5 hectares, Sturt Grove Farm has been an integral feature of Westminster life and the campus since 1972. Westminster School has gained an enviable reputation for its outstanding agricultural studies, and many South Australian farmers and agricultural leaders laid the foundations for their subsequent agricultural careers at Westminster School.

Offered as a subject from Years 8 through 12, Agriculture cultivates an awareness and comprehensive understanding of the scope involved in food and fibre production from paddock to plate. In this rewarding program, students enhance their practical and intellectual knowledge and contribute to the activities on Sturt Grove Farm. This allows them to develop their problem-solving skills and teamwork along with their initiative and sense of responsibility.

Viticulture, horticulture, aquaculture, agronomy, rural business, and livestock production are all embedded within this comprehensive curriculum. 

The students can also take part in the co-curricular Show teams, where we proudly exhibit steers, dairy cattle, goats, pigs, sheep, and eggs at the Royal Adelaide Show.

Learn more about our Sturt Grove Farm redevelopment project

Expanding the reach of the Farm so that there are benefits for every student, from ELC to Year 12, and the Westminster community as a whole.

A word from Andrew Malcolm, Head of Agriculture ('06)

"My passion for Agriculture started here at Westminster. Building an understanding of the direct relationship everybody has with food and fibre was a lightbulb moment for me. Producing on site here at Sturt Grove Farm and seeing the connection from paddock to plate, getting outside and learning the science behind Ag concepts was reason enough for me to pursue a career in teaching it. Regardless of whether you like or care about Agriculture; everybody makes at least 6 decisions each day that impacts the Agricultural sector. What a person eats and wears has a direct impact on the demand for producers. Beyond stretching and broadening the knowledge base and horizons of our strong agricultural and rurally linked students; I am most passionate about showcasing the diverse range of knowledge rich enterprises, careers and pathways affiliated and related to Ag to all students that choose Ag as a subject at Westminster (although I do think it should be compulsory)."

Performing Arts

From Drama, Dance to Music, our students explore all facets of production, including performance, set design, publicity, photography, costumes, make-up, lighting, and sound.