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Nurturing a passion for the performing arts

An appreciation for the Performing Arts is woven into our School’s culture and we regularly host concerts and events of all scales. Our students are involved in Music, Drama and Dance from a Preparatory School level, and can continue to develop these skills throughout their Senior School years should they wish. We provide opportunities to explore all facets of production, including performance, set design, publicity, photography, costumes, make-up, lighting, and sound.

As one of South Australia’s largest performance venues, our Michael Murray Centre for the Performing Arts is a fitting space in which to showcase our students' talents. It features an 800-seat concert hall, adjoining 200-seat intimate theatre, and modern facilities for contemporary music, drama, dance, workshops, and seminars. Other resources include a music rehearsal studio, drama studio, keyboard and composition laboratory, and numerous music practice rooms. Alongside all of this, Westminster is also home to the largest cohort of curricular and co-curricular dance students, exploring their passion and honing their skills in our separate, purpose-built dance studio.


Connecting students to a world of creative possibilities

Dance is a universal means of artistic expression, and our Dance Program provides an opportunity for all students to explore it. It caters to both male and female students, from beginners all the way to the elite level, encompassing Dance as a subject from Transition to Year 12, co-curricular Dance from Years 2 to 12 and the CUA30120 Certificate III in Dance qualification, delivered onsite, under an agreement with Australian Teachers of Dancing Limited (RTO 31624). Our Dance Program is guided by the Australian Curriculum from Foundation to Year 10, followed by SACE Stage 1 and 2 Dance. Experienced students may be extended from Year 8 onward through the Advanced Dance stream, studying SACE Stage 2 Dance in Year 11 and the Certificate III in Dance qualification in Year 12.

Curricular Dance
Co-Curricular Dance

Curricular Dance

Studying Dance as a subject, students have access to our two purpose-built studios as they hone their technical skills in the genres of contemporary dance and jazz. Additionally, they are given opportunities to experience and analyse a range of Australian and international choreographic works and perspectives through excursions to performances at the Adelaide Festival. 

As part of the Program, students develop their own specific voice, responding through movement to composition tasks and following independent choreographic processes to create and evaluate their own dance works. An annual highlight is the opportunity to perform in one or more of the four curriculum productions held every year at the Michael Murray Centre for Performing Arts, our School’s 800-seat on-site theatre.

Co-Curricular Dance

Our co-curricular Dance Program includes 18 weekly classes and an annual performance showcase. Over 200 students take part, with the schedule running before and after the school day. This affords them practical experience and training from specialist tutors across a broad range of genres. From Years 2 to 6, Preparatory students are involved in Creative Dance Classes, where they develop technical and composition skills. Students from Years 7 to 12 are offered ballet, jazz, acro, and tap across a range of levels from beginner to advanced. The co-curricular Dance Program also offers Indigenous students an opportunity to connect with a First Nations Dance Artist and explore their culture through the Contemporary Indigenous Dance class. 

An appreciation for performance is a key aspect of Dance at Westminster. Our Dance Collective, for example, is an audition-based ensemble that produces exceptional contemporary works throughout the year. We also have a long history of offering tours to New York as well as a platform to connect with the local and national professional dance world. Many students continue their studies in Dance at tertiary institutions around Australia, and we are proud to enjoy their ongoing connection with our Program well into the future as they make their mark on the dance industry.


Exploring a world of creative expression

Life is a great adventure, and Drama is a subject that truly reflects that. Our Drama Program offers an outlet for students to follow their innate sense of exploration beyond the known and familiar. It provides opportunities for them to learn more about the lives of others, theatre, performing, stage combat, circus culture and, ultimately, themselves. By approaching the space with respect – and being met with respect in return – the Drama Studio is a place where students feel supported as they explore their creativity.

The Drama Program at Westminster follows a philosophy of ‘disciplined play’. It is a safe environment where students can shape new perspectives, enhance communication skills, build physical and spatial awareness, and adopt a well-rounded approach to other areas of study and life. Through an introduction to the craft and discipline associated with performing, students are encouraged to develop an understanding of what they regard to be their culture, and to examine and grow an appreciation for the cultures of others too.


I have never experienced a learning environment or sense of community quite like the Drama Program at Westminster. Over the course of my schooling years, I was able to explore various genres and roles within performing, which was not only limited to acting but also the behind the scenes. Studying Drama at Westminster gave me the opportunity to gain a range of real-world skills and equipped me with the tools that prepared myself and my graduating class to begin our own production company. We made our premiere performance at the Adelaide Fringe 2023, straight from School. Under the guidance of John Doherty, and a collection of other knowledgeable industry professionals such as Tony Knight, former NIDA Head of Acting, Westminster provides an in-depth and nuanced approach to the Performing Arts. Not to mention the long-lasting friendships and backstage memories which I will always cherish.

Gracie Greenrod, '22 Old Scholar


Growing and showcasing musical talent

Music plays a central role in our world – both as a way to express oneself but also to understand others. As such, we are passionate about the relevance of music education and excited to share it with our students, whether they choose to take it as a curricular or co-curricular pursuit, or through private tuition. Our offerings span a full range of instrumental and vocal music, encouraging students to showcase their talents through public performances and music creation.

We are committed to delivering the highest calibre of learning in a dynamic environment. By exploring both traditional and contemporary musical concepts, we help students cultivate a nuanced appreciation of their own. Complementing this, we provide diverse platforms for students to learn and pursue excellence in their performance and compositional pursuits, all undertaken in an atmosphere that encourages responsibility and teamwork. 

Our Music Suite features a spacious rehearsal area, a specialised Preparatory School music room, an innovative music technology laboratory, instrument storage, well-equipped offices, and private tuition rooms. While we know every student’s journey is unique, we prioritise performance and creation along the way. The value of these experiences extends beyond the curriculum, as exemplified by our students' performances in Adelaide, across state lines, and on international stages. These not only expand our students’ repertoires but also offer them invaluable opportunities to excel and share their music.


We are passionate about sport at Westminster and offer many exciting avenues for students to explore their potential.