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A school with a truly international outlook

Our students regularly participate in exchanges, tours and community service programs around the world, with many international students undertaking their educational journey here at Westminster. 

Round Square
Duke of Edinburgh

Round Square

In line with our international focus, we are a proud member of Round Square. This is a worldwide association of around 100 schools that share a common commitment to personality development and responsibility through service, challenge, adventure, and global understanding. 

As a Round Square school, we embrace the six IDEALS pillars:

  • Internationalism
  • Democracy
  • Environment
  • Adventure
  • Leadership
  • Service

To find out more, visit


Exchanges are a part of the Internationalism pillar of Round Square, occurring at two levels: regional and international. 

Regional exchanges usually occur in Year 8 as a two-week, reciprocal engagement with other Round Square schools in the Australasian and East Asia region.

International exchanges usually occur in Year 10; however, they can also be conducted towards the end of Year 9 if appropriate. They vary in length from four weeks to a full term, depending on the individual circumstances. These arrangements are reciprocal, negotiated with the selected host school. No additional tuition fees are required, and students travel on a tourist visa with specific plans made by their families. The exchanges can be undertaken at any time in the year, although it is advisable to look at a 12-month preparation window.

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme presents to young people, a balanced, non-competitive programme of voluntary activities which encourage personal discovery and growth, self-reliance, perseverance, and responsibility to themselves and service to their community.

Read more about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme


Westminster is inclusive and welcoming, with a strong sense of collegiality amongst staff who get to work with talented students every day.